May-July 2024 | Online

Doctor of Education Webinar Series

Join us for valuable insights, application support, and more information.
Doctor of Education Webinar Series

These webinars allow you to connect with Northeastern’s Graduate School of Education faculty and learn how our EdD program is designed to help you create real change in your career, organization, and community.

Each event focuses on a specific topic while giving you a glimpse into what it’s like to be a part of the Northeastern community.

Discover Northeastern EdD
May 15, 2024, 12 p.m. ET or 7 p.m. ET.
Join us for the unique opportunity to hear from our education faculty who teach in our global campus network. We’ll discuss the program curriculum, balancing work and school, developing a problem of practice, and more.

What Can You Do with an EdD?
June 12, 2024, 12 p.m. or 7 p.m. ET.
Hear how a Doctor of Education can help you further your career, advance within your organization, and create meaningful change within your community. You’ll also learn more about Northeastern’s career design services and how they help you prepare for your future career moves.

Writing your Problem of Practice & Application Support
July 17, 2024, 12 p.m. ET or 7 p.m. ET.
This session is designed to help you choose your own problem of practice and write about it in your application to Northeastern. Every student in our program chooses a problem of practice and uses cycles of investigation to find innovative and systematic solutions to create change in their workplace and/or community.


About Northeastern

Founded in 1898, Northeastern is a global research university and the recognized leader in experiential lifelong learning. Our approach of integrating real-world experience with education, research, and innovation empowers our students, faculty, alumni, and partners to create worldwide impact.

Northeastern’s personalized, experiential undergraduate and graduate programs lead to degrees through the doctorate in 10 colleges and schools across our 13 campuses worldwide. Learning emphasizes the intersection of data, technology, and human literacies, uniquely preparing graduates for careers of the future and lives of fulfillment and accomplishment.

Our research enterprise, with an R1 Carnegie classification, is solutions oriented and spans the world. Our faculty scholars and students work in teams that cross not just disciplines, but also sectors—aligned around solving today’s highly interconnected global challenges and focused on transformative impact for humankind.